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School Faculty Application Format
ArticMonkeys Group Tag
44 posts
31 topics
about 1 year ago

[Application Information]
- By Submitting this application, you are agreeing to all HU Rules.
- You are acknowledging the fact that you can and will be removed at any time if you break the rules of the server or are inactive for a large amount of time without reason.
- You are able to change the colors of your answers but please keep it easy on the eyes and obvious which parts of the application are questions and answers.
- Please do not message any staff members regarding the status of your application. If you have any questions DM @Rockcrusher34#8761 on discord.
- Good luck to everyone who submits an application!


Out-Of-Character Information 

What is your Minecraft username?:

How old are you?:

Do you have any previous bans?:

What is your timezone?:

Do you have Discord? If yes, what is your discord username?:

Do you have prior roleplay experience? If yes, please state what and how long you may have!:

Do you understand that most answers are found in the roleplay documents?:

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

Do you understand that all activity may be logged to ensure your activity?

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?:

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:


In-Character Information  (When you are answering these questions answer them in the perspective of your character, as if they are being interviewed for the position. Questions will be asked in BLACK and the general bigger picture questions will be BOLDED. You should still read everything to get as much information as you can. Please change your answers to a different, not eye splitting color)

“Thank you for expressing interest in applying for Harpswell University. Let's get started shall we? Please tell me your name, your age, your gender, your marital status, and what role you are applying for.


“Wonderful! Tell me about yourself, where did you grow up? Do you have prior experiences? Have you graduated college? If you have, What year did you graduate and what degree did you earn? If you can speak any other languages please tell me that as well.”


“Thank you,What is the most important part of the job you’re applying for and how would you take those ideals and put them into furthering the students here at Harpswell University?”


“Mhm… How can you help reinforce the positive environment we have at Harpswell university even in the role you are applying for?”



“If a student shows misbehavior, How would you deal with a situation of a student acting up? What would you do with a student disregarding rules outside of your clocked hours?”



"Why should we decide to hire you over another person applying for your role? What impact will you make on Harpswell University to help preserve and further its prestigious name?"




“Thank you for your time, Do you have anything else you would like to add on your own accord for the record?”


“Fabulous. Thank you once again for coming and interviewing with us. You will hear from us with-in the next few weeks with the status of your application and interview. Please be patient with us as we have a lot to do. Have a lovely day and keep yourself safe”

End of In-Character

If you have a character backstory written out or already posted on the forums feel free to leave it below and it will also be considered a part of the application. Reread and ENSURE that you have answered all questions in the IC Interview.

Thank you for applying. You will be hearing from us once applications are reviewed. Please be patient as the RU Staff is quite busy.


Last edited: about 1 year ago x 3