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ArticMonkeys Group Tag
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Donation Claim Format


Errors are inevitable, and our staff team understands how frustrating it can be when an item you buy online does not load properly In-game or an issue pops up. So to combat that and to make everyone's lives easier this support claim thread has been created to assist players on our server donation store where they can easily fill out claims to get the support they need.


Players will be able to post donation claims within this thread using a specified format under a variety of different categories. These categories help organize the specific support you need allowing us to assist you in the easiest way possible. It's also important to note that there are 3 separate formats for the donation claims which include donation claim support, vehicle model claim and item model claim. You can read more information about each format below. 



  • You must be over the age of 16 to make online purchases on our donation store, do not purchase any items on our store  without your parent/guardians permission.

  • You cannot fill out a donation claim for another player.

  • You are required to show proof of purchase in your claim. 

  • Proof of purchases can only be shown through bank statements, and email receipts.

  • Donation claims made with a fake purchase will result in punishment.

  • Users must submit and fill out the proper donation claim format for their issue or claim.



The categories for each of the donation claims are as follows:


[ Missing Rank ] - This category will be used to fill out a donation claim whenever a player has proof of purchase for buying a donation rank but it is not properly loading In game or on discord. 

[ Missing Item / Perk ] - This category will be used when a player purchases an item or perk and it is not loading In-game. 

[ Custom Vehicle Claim ] - A custom vehicle claim is used when players purchase custom vehicles or base models from our donations auto body shop and want to request specific additions or edits to their vehicles like custom paint jobs and other modifications. 

[ Custom Item Claim ] - A claim used when a player purchases a custom item such as cosmetics. This claim is where the user requests the specifications of what they want their custom item to be. 

[ Refund ]  - Within our server’s donation stores it states within our terms and conditions that players are not entitled for refunds. However under a few very specific situations users may request one, however it can be denied. Situations where refunds can be applied for include; Stolen credit cards, double purchases, and genuine mistake purchases. Refunds can only be applied for within the first 7 days of the initial purchase. 

[ Other ] - Any other donation claim questions, concerns can be put into this category. 




This section of the donation claim format is only for the donation claim categories of; Missing Rank, Missing Item/Perk, Refund and Other. 


Claim Support Format:


What Is your Discord Tag?: 

What RU server are you requesting this donation claim support for?: (HU, RU, etc)

What category does your donation claim request fall under?: (Missing Rank, Missing item/perk, refund, other)

Please show us the proof of purchase for your specified item: (Bank statements, Email Receipt)

Please describe the issue you are facing in detail: 

Please add any other additional Information If needed here: 




This section of the format is used for custom vehicle model donation claims only. Using this format you can specify exactly what you want for your custom vehicle model after you have purchased the item.


Custom Vehicle Claim Format:


What Is your Discord Tag?: 

What RU server are you requesting this donation claim support for?: (HU, RU, etc)

Please show us the proof of purchase for your specified item: (Bank statements, Email Receipt)

What vehicle model are you selecting for purchase: (Lamborghini, Jeep, Mercedes, etc) 

What base model color are you choosing for your purchased vehicle above?: (Black, White or Gray)

Have you bought any additional auto body shop modifications for your purchased vehicle?: (Custom paint job, exterior/interior detailing, custom wheels)

If you have purchased a custom paint job please specify what color you have chosen from the catalog: 

For any other addition auto body shop modifications such as exterior and interior detailing and custom wheels please specify exactly what you want here: 

Please add any other additional Information If needed here: 



This section of the format is used for custom item model donation claims only. Using this format you can specify exactly what you want for your custom model Item after you have purchased the item within our store.


Currently the option for purchasing custom items is unavailable to all players and will be available within our store In the near future. 

Donation Claim Format about 1 year ago



Welcome to the suggestions format page! This is where players can suggest ideas and changes you would want to see implemented into Roleplay Universe! Server staff members will read through your application and a higher up will grant a response to the suggestion when they are available. Any suggestions that are not serious will result in instant denial.



What is your Discord Tag:

What platform is this suggestion for?: (Discord, minecraft, forums)

What do you want to suggest or mention?:

How will the community/server benefit from this suggestion?:

Do you have any screenshots or examples of how this suggestion should be Implemented?: 

Do you have any other additional information you would like to provide?:


Suggestion Format about 1 year ago

Ban Appeal Format


Thank you for taking the time to consider making an appeal to your ban. If you've received any sort of punishment whether permanent or temporary if you wish to appeal it use the format below. Bans/appeals are taken very seriously and any violation of these guidelines will result in an extended or permanent ban. The staff team is always trying their best to stop rule breakers from disrupting the flow of the server and disrupting others. If you have any concerns about the format or about your ban please private message a staff member, keep in mind telling any staff member to review your appeal will cause it to be automatically denied



  • Ban appeals are read whenever a staff member is available to read through them, bothering staff to read your appeal faster will automatically get it denied but you can direct your concerns about the format to a staff member in DMs
  • The entirety of the appeal must be filled out for it to be deemed valid, if you accidently posted your un-finished appeal quickly edit it or let a staff member know depending on the circumstances.
  • When providing evidence of your appeal it must be concrete as any forged documents will result in an instant denial of your application
  • You cannot appeal for another player and if the circumstances call for it then inform a staff member before doing so there is no confusion.



IGN (Minecraft):

Discord Tag (Discord#0001):


Reason for ban:

Length of the ban: 

Name of the staff who carried out your punishment

Why do you believe you should be unbanned?:

Please reflect and explain to us In detail the situation in why you were banned: 

Please provide any evidence you have to prove your innocence bellow:

Do you have any additional information to add?:  


Ban Appeal Format about 1 year ago

Congratulations Gunna, your Application for our 3D-modeling team has been [ACCEPTED] we are happy to have you join our servers community team! Shortly we will reach out to you on discord sending you  an invite to our staff discord and send you important information on how to proceed. 

Tree dee modeling Application about 1 year ago

COMING sooon

HU | Uniform Files about 1 year ago