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3D-Model Team Application Format
ArticMonkeys Group Tag
44 posts
31 topics
about 1 year ago

3D-Model Team Application


Thank you for considering joining our 3D model team, this team is within our community teams which consist of 8 teams in total. The 3D model team is essential for the gameplay and cosmetic mechanics of our server, their models help increase the immersion in roleplay by creating different types of items such as accessories for players, working vehicles to travel, and decorative items and blocks that can be interacted with and used throughout our maps.




  • All models and assets created for Roleplay Universe belong to our network, even after you leave. Models and assets cannot be taken back or used whatsoever for any reason off of our network without explicit permission.

  • Team Applicants are required to be level-headed and unbiased.

  • A position on our 3D-Model team is entirely voluntary, however 3D-modelers will be compensated with in-game perks and in-store credit calculated by the work they complete and or get a percentage of money from monthly donation income. 

  • As an applicant you must understand that your application will go through to the network owner and the head of the development & 3D-models team lead. 

  • By submitting this application you hereby agree to all of the terms above including our application and network rules.



  1. All submitted screenshots/files and videos you use to showcase your 3D-models and assets must be of your own creation. The use of plagiarism in any form will result in an instant denial for your application.

  2. This application must be filled out properly and truthfully.

  3. Users are not allowed to apply for more than 2 of our community teams.

  4. If your application is denied you must wait up to 30 days to reapply.

  5. 3D-Modelers are required to provide at least 2 hours of online work a week unless asked otherwise by a supervisor or on break.




IGN (Minecraft):

Discord Tag:


(Optional) Age:

Do you have access to a microphone?:

Describe your activity on the server: 

Previous Bans/Warnings?:

Reason for Previous Bans/Warnings: 


Why do you want to be an 3D Modeler?:

Do you have prior experience with modeling?:

What editor do you use for modeling?:

How many hours a week can you contribute towards 3D-modeling?:



Below please provide a series of images, files or videos showcasing at least 6 or more Minecraft 3D-Models that you have created In the past.




Last edited: about 1 year ago